Online classical ballet technique classes
Online Classical Ballet Technique Classes
It’s not what you do that matters - it’s how you do it!
As dancers we are always learning and developing - there is no such thing as ‘perfect’ - and we are continually striving for better lines, increased flexibility, stronger allegro and much, much more.
The foundations of classical ballet technique take years of practise to master, and with children it is essential to nurture strong basic skills and technical execution from the start, to be able to build the ‘complete’ dancer over the years of training.
My teacher training at the Royal Ballet School demanded thorough analysis of classical ballet technique - we learned how to break steps and sequences down into minute sections requiring precision and complete concentration of thought. I can prepare a class for you that focusses on a particular technical demand, or set of related ballet steps - building through preparation/ floor work and barre exercises on to centre practise, adage, allegro and beyond.
So whether you would like to improve your use of turnout, are looking to achieve more fluid, expressive ports de bras, or need to revise your assembles, glissades or pas de bourrees, I have the class for you!
Enquire today to find out how I can help*
Recommended class length -
Age 5-6 30 minutes
Age 7-8 45 minutes
Age 9 and over 60 minutes
* Please note - parent or named carer supervision is required for all my children’s classes delivered online.
30 minutes - £15.00
45 minutes - £20.00
60 minutes - £25.00
*Initial bookings include an additional 10-15 minute ‘meet and greet’ period at the start of the class, to check meeting settings and device set-up.