Online ballet exam practise

Online Royal Academy of Dance Ballet Exam Practise

In the run-up to a ballet exam every moment of extra practise can make a positive difference to your performance on the day.

Girl practising for Grade 2 RAD ballet exam character dance

The Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) offer a wide range of exams and assessments to motivate and reward dancers of all ages and abilities, and nearly a quarter of a million people across the world choose to take exams every year.

I have been a registered teacher for the RAD for over 30 years, entering candidates for exams and Class Awards.

With the permission of your regular ballet teacher I can help you practise and prepare for your upcoming exam *

*Please note - parent or named carer supervision is required for all my children’s classes delivered online.

Royal Academy of Dance Registered Teacher


30 minutes - £15.00

45 minutes - £20.00

60 minutes - £25.00

*Initial bookings include an additional 10-15 minute ‘meet and greet’ period at the start of the class, to check meeting settings and device set-up.